adventure with me!
a collection of memories
There are many mindsets one can take when thinking about travel. The way I see it is this: every moment we live is a memory with the potential to be collected. I go to places that excite me and I spend time with the people I love because I want to curate a collection of memories so rich and vibrant and full of light that they leave me in awe any time I flip back through them. Travel is about that to me. It is about adventure, about feeling life to its fullest and absorbing every drop of culture and knowledge and experience possible. I aim to share some of those highlights here, because even the smallest of moments in my collection—the car rides up to Columbus spent blasting the music of the artist we are about to see, or the makeshift ice skating we did on the top of a parking garage in Nashville—are tinted gold in my eyes. All of these moment and flashes of moments are part of something bigger, something grand and beautiful, and if that's not worth sharing then I don't know what is.